What is the Kyuden eco app?

By utilizing Kyushu Electric Power 's dedicated app, you can efficiently manage your electricity usage.


Understanding power consumption can help you strengthen your energy-saving efforts and contribute to the sustainable use of renewable energy.

What you can do with the Kyuden eco app

The "Kyuden eco/ KIREI-LIFE-PLUS" app allows My Kyuden customers to take on eco-friendly challenges in a game-like format and earn points.


Please download the app and use it!

Feature 1: Earning PayPay points

Earn PayPay points when you successfully save energy or shift your electricity usage times!

  • PayPay points cannot be withdrawn or transferred. They can also be used at the official PayPay/PayPay Card store.

  • If the challenge is successful, you will be awarded 5 PayPay points for every kWh of successful energy.

    Please see "How to participate in the Eco Challenge" and "Point acquisition example" below for information on how to participate in the challenge and how points are awarded.

    Points awarded may be subject to change without notice.

  • From October 1st to November 30th, 2024, we will be running a campaign to increase points for the Eco Challenge, which is a great way to save money.

    If the challenge is successful within this period, you will be awarded 10 PayPay points.


Feature 2 Save energy while playing a game

The app allows you to save energy and shift your electricity usage times in a game-like way!

Feature 3 Push notification

You will be notified by push notification on your smartphone when it is time to join the challenge!

Take on the challenge using the Kyuden eco app

Participate in the "Eco Challenge" through the Kyuden Eco app and earn points! See below for how to participate and tips on the challenge.


This app can only be used by those who meet all of the following conditions 1 to 4. You can check whether you meet the conditions by installing the app and logging in.


Kyushu Electric Power Must be a member of the "My Kyushu Electric" membership site at



Only one electricity contract is registered in your membership information



A smart meter is installed in the registered electricity contract (we can obtain 30-minute meter reading data)


How to check your smart meter



The electricity contract you are registering is one of the eligible Rate Plan below.

Eligible Rate Plan

  • Smart Family Plan
  • Smart Family Plan [Gas Set]
  • All Electric Nighttime Select
  • Ohisama Lunch Special Plan
  • Lighting by Season & Time-of- Use
  • Residential lighting B
  • JAL Electric B

Please download the app and use it!

How to check your smart meter

If you would like to check whether a smart meter is installed for your registered electricity contract, you can check using the following method.

1. Log in to My Kyuden

2. Click "Breakdown"

  • It may be displayed as "Details and History" instead of "Breakdown."

3. Check if the smart meter is displayed

Reference (Appearance of the meter)

Use of the Kyuden eco app

[Smart Meter]
[Smart Meter]

Kyuden eco app cannot be used

  • Please note that the replacement with smart meters is being carried out in a planned manner in line with the expiration date of the meter's certification.

Reference (Appearance of the meter)

Use of the Kyuden eco app

[Smart Meter]
[Smart Meter]

Kyuden eco app cannot be used

  • Please note that the replacement with smart meters is being carried out in a planned manner in line with the expiration date of the meter's certification.