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Useful items for power outages

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Useful items for power outages


Do you have any questions or concerns like these?

1Thereis no space to install a storage battery…

2.Want to make effective use of surplus electricity

3I want to use more environmentally friendly electricity!

For such questions and concerns
Renewable energy storage service

We will answer your questions!

We store surplus solar power and use it to meet your electricity needs, allowing you to use the surplus electricity like a storage battery.


The surplus electricity we receive will be used in order to optimize your electricity rates, with priority given to the time periods with the highest unit price for Power usage charge. Furthermore, by adding an environmental value to the electricity we use, you can use environmentally friendly electricity (effectively renewable energy and essentially CO2-free) (Note).

  • The electricity we supply (unspecified power source) will be combined with designated renewable energy and non-fossil fuel certificates.

Power source mix (FY2023 plan)

Non-Fossil Certificate Usage Status (FY2023 Plan)


Power source mix (FY2023 results)

Non-Fossil Certificate Usage Status (FY2023 Results)


Power source mix (FY2024 plan)

Non-Fossil Certificate Usage Status (FY2024 Plan)


The power sources for this menu are as described above, but by using non-fossil fuel certificates (renewable energy designation), we have achieved the procurement of 100% electricity from renewable energy sources.

  1. FIT Electric
    Part of the cost of procuring this electricity is covered by levies collected from all electricity users, including those who are not our customers.
    - This applies to electricity generated from solar, wind, hydroelectric (less than 30,000 kW), geothermal and biomass power.
  2. Electricity procured from the wholesale power exchange
    This electricity includes hydroelectric, thermal, nuclear, FIT electricity, renewable energy, etc.
  3. others
    This includes electricity procured from other companies where the power plant cannot be identified.
  • The calculations are made and published based on the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's "Guidelines for Electricity Retail Sales."
  • Calculated based on the amount of electricity generated by our company and the amount of electricity procured from other companies (excluding the amount for remote islands).
  • Due to rounding, totals may not add up to 100%.

(FY2022 results)

CO2 Emission Factor (Adjusted Emission Factor) (Note) 0.000kg-CO2/kWh

  • The above values were reported to the government in accordance with the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (Global Warming Countermeasures Act).

Three benefits of the renewable energy storage service

1. The surplus electricity we receive will be utilized to optimize your electricity rates.

2. No installation space or initial costs required for storage batteries

3. Environmentally friendly, virtually CO2-free electricity

Plus, special benefits for joining!
Useful items to use during a power outage
I'll give you one of them!


Plus, special benefits for joining!
Useful items to use during a power outage
I'll give you one of them!


Two plans for renewable energy storage services

Depending on the amount of surplus electricity you wish to store, you can choose from the following two plans:



Maximum amount of electricity you can store



Service fee (tax included)

4,980 yen/month

2,500 yen/month

Renewable energy storage service fee example (tax included)

When using the Standard Plan (Lighting by Season & Time-of- Use Contracted Electricity Capacity 6kVA)

Electricity bill: 4,024 yen

Base charge 1,325.44 yen


Power usage charge 2,699 yen

(8,590 yen before allocation - 5,891 yen allocated)

Service Fee

4,980 yen

Purchased electricity fee

224 yen


Billing amount: 8,780 yen

Power consumption (485kWh)


  • The rates listed above are effective from April 1, 2025.
    Daytime rates are for other seasons (October 1st to June 30th of the following year).

Surplus electricity (332kWh)

  • Base charge will be charged separately according to the type of contract.
  • The surplus electricity we receive will be allocated in order of highest Power usage charge (day → living room → night) for optimal use. In addition, any surplus electricity that exceeds the upper limit of the electricity we receive (300 kWh) or is below the upper limit but exceeds your usage will be purchased at the same price as the purchase plan (7.00 yen/kWh) and deducted from your electricity bill. (If the amount exceeds your electricity bill, we will pay you.)

  • Electricity charges, purchased electricity fees and billed amounts will vary depending on your electricity usage, etc.
  • The actual electricity bill will include Adjustments for fuel costs, etc. and Renewable energy surcharge depending on the amount of electricity used.
    The electricity rate is calculated based on the unit prices set out in the "Terms and Conditions of Electricity Supply" and "Terms and Conditions of Supply and Demand Contract" effective from April 1, 2025.
  • When subscribing to the "Renewable Energy Storage Service," you will be required to pay a service fee according to your plan (Standard: 4,980 yen/month, Light: 2,500 yen/month).
  • Therefore, the amount you pay when subscribing to the Renewable Energy Storage Service (electricity charges + storage service fee) may be higher than the amount you paid before subscribing (electricity charges - our purchase price).

About contract terms

・This offer is available to customers who meet all of the following requirements.

  1. Concludingan "electricity supply contract" and a "contract for receiving solar power generation in accordance with the supply contract guidelines (excluding those subject to the feed-in tariff system)" with us at the same address

  2. Subscribe to one of the following contract types [Lighting by Season & Time-of- Use / Lighting by Time Slot / All Electric Nighttime Select /Ohisama Lunch Special Plan]
  • While "Residential lighting B" and "Residential lighting C" have a fuel cost adjustment cap, the above Rate Plan do not have a cap, so if fuel prices rise sharply, the above plans may have a higher fuel cost adjustment amount. Therefore, depending on your contract status and electricity usage, etc., even if you would save money if you were to save money based on an estimate that does not take the fuel cost adjustment amount into account, you may not save money by signing up for the above plans.
  1. After registering as a member for the services provided on our website, we may notify you of your meter reading results by posting them on our website instead of providing you with written notices.

  2. Choose one of the following payment methods for your electricity bill: direct debit/credit card


・The contract period is two years (automatically renewed annually from the third year onwards).

  • This service does not apply to areas covered by the supply terms and conditions for remote islands, etc.

During a power outage, you will not be able to use electricity.

Frequently asked questions

  • 「再エネお預かりサービス」のポイントは?

    • This service allows you to utilize surplus solar power in the same way as if you had installed a storage battery, without actually installing one, by having our company store surplus solar power and applying it to your electricity usage during times when surplus power is not being generated.

    • Although you will not be able to use electricity during a power outage, the surplus electricity that we have stored for you can be used to optimize your electricity rates, prioritizing the use of electricity during times when the unit price Power usage charge is highest, and can also be used as environmentally friendly electricity.

    • Please note that the Renewable Energy Storage Service incurs a service fee of 4,980 yen/month for the Standard plan (maximum stored energy amount: 300 kWh/month) and 2,500 yen/month for the Light plan (maximum stored energy amount: 100 kWh/month).
  • Will subscribing to the service provide me with more benefits than before I joined?

    This service provides a "value-added service like a storage battery," and the amount you will incur when signing up (electricity bill + storage service fee) may be higher than the amount you paid before signing up (electricity bill - our purchase price).

  • What is environmentally friendly electricity?

    • Electricity that is essentially CO2-free and essentially renewable energy is called "environmentally friendly electricity."

    • The electricity you actually use is all electricity supplied by our company (power source unspecified), but by combining it with the environmental value that our company possesses, you can use it as environmentally friendly electricity (effectively CO2-free, essentially renewable energy).

  1. Billing for this service will begin with the electricity bill for the month following the month in which the service is applied.

  2. For an outline of this service, please see the downloadable Terms and Conditions of Electricity Supply and Terms and Conditions of Supply and Demand Contract.

Service Inquiries
Renewable Energy Storage Service Dedicated Dial

  • If you are currently subscribed to the Renewable Energy Storage Service and would like to change or cancel your plan, please contact us at the above address.