  1. This offer is for customers with Smart Family Plan and Smart Business Plan contracts.
  2. IHクッキングヒーターを購入した日から6か月以内の申込が対象です。
  3. If you are subscribed to an additional plan that is listed as a plan that cannot be used in conjunction with this plan, this plan will not apply. For details, please see the "Rate Plan Details" below.

Currently using a gas stove

New induction cooking heater

Customers who wish to change


Rate Plan details

Plan application conditions

Customers who meet all of the following conditions (excluding areas covered by the remote island supply terms and conditions)

  • Rate Plan must be eligible for the IH Purchase Support Plan.
    [Eligible Rate Plan]
    Smart Family Plan (including gas set)
    Smart Business Plan (Gas Set Included)
  1. Cannot be used in conjunction with the following plans:
    Healthy Baby Plan, IJU-turn Support Plan, Let's Grow the Forest of the Future Plan, Avispa Support Plan, Fukuoka SoftBank Hawks Support Plan, Totally Renewable Energy Plan
  2. If your current contract is for Residential lighting B plan, you can apply for Smart Family Plan (2-year contract discount applied); if your current contract is for the Time-of Residential lighting C plan, you can apply for Smart Business Plan after agreeing to Rate Plan change.
  3. While there is a limit to the fuel cost adjustment for "Residential lighting B and Residential lighting C," there is no limit for "Subscription-eligible Rate Plan (hereinafter referred to as "eligible Rate Plan")," so if fuel prices rise, the fuel cost adjustment amount may be higher for "eligible Rate Plan." Therefore, depending on your contract status and electricity usage, etc., even if you would save money in an estimate that does not take the fuel cost adjustment amount into account, subscribing to an "eligible Rate Plan" may not save you money.
  • The application must be made within six months of the date of purchase of the IH cooking heater.
  • It is a replacement for gas appliances
  • We will verify that you meet the conditions by submitting a copy of the warranty card, so if you are unable to submit the warranty card, you will not be able to join the plan.

How to apply

Applications will be accepted online via the application form.


  • The IH Purchase Support Plan is available to customers who have recently purchased an IH cooking heater (excluding installations associated with new buildings). It does not cover replacement purchases of IH cooking heaters.
  • Kyushu Electric Power Power Co., Inc. will send notifications regarding this plan, such as notification of application completion, to the registered email address. If you have set your email address to reject emails (domain-specific reception), please set it to receive emails from "@kyuden.co.jp" (the domain used for notifications from Kyushu Electric Power).
  • If it is discovered that the IH Purchase Support Plan has been applied due to a false application, etc., we may settle the discount amount that has already been applied. In this case, please note that the IH Purchase Support Plan will also be canceled.
  1. If your current contract is for Residential lighting B plan, you can apply for Smart Family Plan (2-year contract discount applied); if your current contract is for the Time-of Residential lighting C plan, you can apply for Smart Business Plan after agreeing to Rate Plan change.
  2. While there is a limit to the fuel cost adjustment for "Residential lighting B and Residential lighting C," there is no limit for "Subscription-eligible Rate Plan (hereinafter referred to as "eligible Rate Plan")," so if fuel prices rise sharply, the fuel cost adjustment amount may be higher for "eligible Rate Plan plans." Therefore, depending on your contract status and electricity usage, etc., even if you would save money based on a calculation that does not take the fuel cost adjustment amount into account, you may not save money by subscribing to an "eligible Rate Plan."
  3. We will verify that you meet the conditions by submitting a copy of the warranty card, so if you are unable to submit the warranty card, you will not be able to join the plan.

A must-see for those who are considering making a change!

Reasons for choosing an IH cooking heater

Reason 1: Peace of mind without using fire

IH cooking heaters are safe because they do not use fire. They also have a variety of safety features, such as protection against empty-burning and forgetting to turn them off. From children to the elderly, the whole family can cook with peace of mind.

  • The functions available vary depending on the manufacturer and model.

Reason 2: Easy to clean and comfortable

The top plate of the IH cooking heater is flat, so you can easily clean up oil splashes with a single wipe! In addition, the ventilation fan and walls are less likely to get dirty, so cleaning is hassle-free. Your kitchen will stay clean for a long time.

Reason 3: Comfortable cooking in the hot summer

Because IH cooking heaters do not use fire, the kitchen does not get too hot, and you can cook comfortably by using a fan.

Leasing is recommended for those concerned about initial costs

The IH Purchase Support Plan covers not only purchases but also leases!

No initial costs when using Kyuden Smart Lease!

  1. There are various conditions for entering into a lease contract, such as age and screening by the guarantor company. For details, please see the Kyuden Smart Lease website.
  2. 100V models are not eligible for Kyuden Smart Lease.

*There are various conditions for lease contracts. For details, please check "Kyuden Smart Lease."