Supply Area

Customers who use city gas in the Western Gas supply area of Fukuoka Prefecture can use Kyushu Electric Power Power gas.

Fukuoka area

Fukuoka City, Kasuga City, Onojo City, Itoshima City, Fukutsu City, Koga City, Munakata City, Miyawaka City, Nakagawa City, Kasuya Town, Shingu Town, Shime Town

Kitakyushu area

Kitakyushu City, Nakama City, Mizumaki Town, Kanda Town, Onga Town, Ashiya Town, Okagaki Town

  • Even if you are within the supply area, you cannot use this service in areas where gas pipelines have not been installed (customers using propane gas).

Kyushu Electric Power 's track record

Kyushu Electric Power Power has a track record not only in the electricity business, but also in the gas business.

Up until now, we have taken advantage of the economies of scale that come from procuring liquefied natural gas (LNG) in large quantities for power generation, and have expanded our gas sales business, including wholesale supply to gas companies.

How delivery works

Kyushu Electric Power 's gas is delivered to customers through Saibu Gas's pipelines.

The quality and stability of gas supply will remain unchanged.

Supply Image


Full deregulation of gas retail sales

As of April 2017, the gas retail business has been fully liberalized.

The liberalization of the gas retail market started with customers with high gas usage, such as factories and commercial facilities, but after full liberalization, everyone, including households, will be able to choose where they purchase their gas.
