Our power source mix (FY2019 results)


We sell plans to some customers that are powered by 100% renewable energy sources (hydroelectric and geothermal), and for other plans that do not specify a power source, the power source composition is as shown above.

  1. FIT Electric
    Part of the cost of procuring this electricity is covered by levies collected from all electricity users, including those who are not our customers.
    Therefore, the CO 2 Regarding emissions, the national average CO2 emissions from electricity, including thermal power generation, etc. 2 It is treated as electricity with emissions.
    This applies to electricity generated from solar, wind, hydroelectric (less than 30,000 kW), geothermal and biomass power.
    Overview of the Feed-in Tariff Scheme for Renewable Energy
  2. Electricity procured from the wholesale power exchange
    This electricity includes hydroelectric, thermal, nuclear, FIT electricity, renewable energy, etc.
  3. others
    This includes electricity procured from other companies where the power plant cannot be identified.
  • The calculations are made and published based on the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's "Guidelines for Electricity Retail Sales."
  • Calculated based on the amount of electricity generated by our company and the amount of electricity procured from other companies (excluding remote islands).
  • By purchasing non-fossil certificates, we aim to increase the actual proportion of non-fossil electricity.

Our CO2 emission coefficient (FY2019 results)

CO2 emission factor (adjusted emission factor) 0.370kg-CO2 /kWh

  • The above values were reported to the government in accordance with the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (Global Warming Countermeasures Act).