Please be aware that there have been cases of people posing as our company representatives making solicitations or fraudulent phone calls or visiting you. If you have any suspicions, please feel free to contact our sales office (call center).
Please be especially careful as there have been many scams recently involving the misuse of SMS (Short Message Service)!

<Actual message>
[Important] Notice regarding power transmission outage.
Open the URL and proceed
You have past due charges. Please pay as soon as possible.
If payment is not made, power transmission will be stopped from the next day onwards.
The following message and payment screen will be displayed.
- We will not send invoices or reminder notices for electricity bills via SMS or email to customers other than those who choose to pay by SMS.
- Kyushu Electric Power Power Security Department
- Kyushu Electric Power Power Security Department Call Center
- Kyushu Electric Power 's contractor
- Kyushu Electric Power 's affiliates, etc.
- They inspect and replace electrical appliances under the pretext of investigating electrical leakage, repairing distribution boards, and inspecting outlets, and then charge large amounts for the work.
(The elderly are especially targeted.)
- They pose as Kyushu Electric Power Company collectors and use meter reading slips to collect electricity bills.
- We do not charge any on-site construction fees.
- We do not charge electricity fees on your meter reading slip.
- They try to sell you main switchgear by making persuasions such as "Your electricity bills will be cheaper" or "Would you like to review your power contract?"
- They try to sell solar Power generation equipment and all-electric appliances with slogans such as "free installation."
- They illegally modify meters (gauges) and charge users for their electricity, claiming that the bills will be cheaper.
- They pretend to be from Kyushu Electric Power and explain things like, "We would like to propose changes to your contract, so please show us your meter reading slip," in an attempt to extract personal information such as the details of your electricity contract.
- They explain that "construction is necessary due to a change in power company" and charge a large amount for the construction work.
- When our sales agents and other partner companies, including Kyuden Next, conduct sales activities, we will provide you with a thorough explanation of our relationship with our company.
- We will never ask customers who have contracts with us to show us their meter reading slips.
- There is no charge for meter replacement work associated with switching power companies.
If you have any suspicions, please contact our sales office (call center) or the consumer hotline (no area code: 188).
Our employees and employees of our affiliated companies carry identification, so if you are visited by them, please confirm their identity by asking to see it.