To make this calculation, we need to confirm the details of your current contract.
Please have your "Notice of Electricity Usage" ready.
If you are unsure of your current contract details, please contact your nearest sales office.

When signing an electricity and gas contract with Kyushu Electric Power, you can choose Rate Plan that suits your lifestyle.
The "Price Simulation" allows you to estimate the optimal Rate Plan based on your current contract details, electricity charges, etc., so please use it when selecting Rate Plan.
- The screen is for illustrative purposes only.

By entering the capacity and number of electrical appliances you use, we can diagnose the optimal ampere for you. Please use this to help you review your Contracted Electricity Capacity.
This offer is available to customers with Residential lighting B, Smart Family Plan (including gas set), and JAL Denki B plans.
- The screen is for illustrative purposes only.
If you are considering signing up for a new contract with us after moving or switching from another company, and are unsure about the optimal Rate Plan or contract amperes (capacity), please contact your nearest office.