"Q Pico" is our original lottery-based points.
No application is required, and you can earn "Q Pico" at various times.
You can use your accumulated points to enter the Qpico lottery! Enter the lottery and you'll have a chance to win some Kyushu-themed prizes!
Details of the lottery will be announced on "My Kyuden". Please register on My Kyuden and wait for the lottery announcement.

- The image is for illustrative purposes only.
Customers with current residential Rate Plan
- This service does not apply to customers who have contracts under the Remote Island Supply Terms and Conditions.
Target contract type |
Smart Family Plan Smart Family Plan [Gas Set] Smart Business Plan Smart Business Plan [Gas Set] Residential lighting B Residential lighting C JAL Electric B JAL Electric C All Electric Nighttime Select Ohisama Lunch Special Plan Lighting by Season & Time-of- Use Lighting by Time Slot Lighting in Peak Shifts |
All customers
1 pico/month
New contract
100 pico
Contract renewal (Note)
10 pico x contract years
Monthly usage
1 pico/100kWh
Set contract with "Kyuden Gas"
2 pico/month
- This will be the fiscal year in which the contract continues from April 2016 onwards.
Membership Registration (Note 1)
20 pico
Log in
2 pico/month
Written notice of contract details
Set to "Not required (check on site)" (Note 2)
20 pico/year
- You will need to register your electricity contract information.
- This does not apply to Rate Plan B and C of Residential lighting Residential lighting plan.
At the end of December two years after the year of grant
- Points awarded before January 17, 2022 will not expire.
You can check this on My Kyuden.

You can use your accumulated Qpico points to enter the Qpico lottery where you can win attractive prizes!
Held twice a year
- Once details such as the event date have been decided, we will announce them on My Kyuden.
35,000 pieces/time
- Prizes will change with each raffle.
- You can apply for one prize for each QPico eligible Rate Plan.
- Each entry for a prize will cost 20 pico.
- You can freely set the number of entries as long as it is within the range of the Pico you own, and the more entries you apply for, the higher your chances of winning.
- To apply, you must register as a member of "My Kyuden" and provide your email address and electricity contract information for the applicable Rate Plan.